Yesterday night was one of the all time best reunion,though many did not get to attend the campfire and though we had a mass cheer instead of campfire,everything was AWESOME and truly missed.No matter how many times we went to Bahtera,most of the things we kept talking was our punishments during the torturous training camp 2-3 years ago.100plus push ups in a day,push ups when we are late,push ups when shirts are tucked out,push ups when any of us drop the kayak,sentry duties.It gives a warm memories.And is definitely missed.
Other than that,Suf had this idea to make a parody of songs.So we had,Fire and I dont care by 2ne1,Again&again by 2pm and finish off with SorrySorry by Suju.I didn't know Suf have this korean craze.If only he had know this earlier,than we could make parodies for campfires. haha.
Im waiting for group photos from Fee.Ceps ah Pi. ^^
Brother found my ipod.Hip hip hurraysss!So no more loser handphone music no more loser handphone earpiece and no more loser "maximum applications". :D
I feel like upating again later,so