Did i mention that UTs have ended?!Last paper was yesterday.Maths was manageable for once.Or maybe for once,i really put in more efforts revising.*pat on the back*
Im going to catch on my sleep that i have been missing for past 2 weeks and im going to charge my battery because i was really dying yesterday.
Its still an early Saturday night but im feeling all worn out and my bed looks so tempting that im going to hit the sack very very soon.heehee.
Monsoon season has its effect on us.Weather has been very cold and everybody is feeling so down.I know wound takes its times time to heal but i think its taking far too long.When was it you left me hanging and then told me this not going to work.It feels like yesterday and that i still can't help tearing thinking about this.
My girls are feeling low at this moment.We all deserve a tiny break because this just bring us too far down and its not right.I love you girls and we should meet very soon. :)
Good night people.