I wasted my Saturday with nothing productive at all.I stayed home all day,did shifting of beds because Sister is moving in very soon.Bad news-with all 9 of us under one roof,I doubt I'll have any privacy.However on a good note,new bed with bouncy mattress is on the way :D So im able to sleep comfortably soon :D
Suprisingly,this week of school was alittle less stress-er than previous week.Or was it maybe that im on fish essence?But whatever it is,I did not died by friday like last week.I think the fish essence is working but drinking that really makes me puke blearghhh :S
Adam is performing tomorrow.I should be looking forward but im not.Cause i asked him what will he do,he replied,"Abang hold letter 'S' ." (aii how interesting is that.)
So will decide whether im going only tomorrow.
Where are you dehhh,its been a week already.