September 30, 2009

what i typed here,isnt my first thoughts

When things are no longer hopeful,i wished for a miracle.
And if crying makes you feel better,go ahead.
Things are slowly falling to its place and I believe that time will heal all wounds.
Yesterday,while attempting to delete old emails,I came across many emails and pictures that just give another heartbreak.Bawling was one sad thing but it makes it all better.
I can't wait for tomorrow.
I need to meet my Gang Virgins
I miss my Gang Virgins
I have to stop thinking worrying about weight/figure issue cause its not a big deal(?)
I need to sort out my wardrobe so I won't have hard time finding clothes to wear
They say eating late at night increase the chance of gaining weight,so I have to stop eating at night.
Didn't i mention not to worry about it already?Hmpf.